Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Security hints for this festive season

If you are thinking of going on holiday this festive season, please ensure that the following security measures are in place:
1 Make sure your alarm system is still in a working condition.
2 Press your panic button to test if your alarm system sends a message to the control room.
3 Please note that the battery of your alarm sytem has a normal lifespan of 24 months. Should your battery not have been replaced in the last 24 months, please call the technical division.
Perimeter protection:
These days, having an alarm system may not be enough. Please invest in perimeter protection such as an electric fence, beams and outdoor passives. Stop the criminal before he gets onto your property.
General security tips:
Have an automatic light switch installed, which will activate certain lights at night and switch off during the day time.
Have your post collected, if delivered at home, and stop all newspaper subscriptions.
If possible, have someone visit your premises frequently, to check if everything is still in order.
Ensure that your security company has all your contact details, in case of an emergency.

Once you have checked all of the above, enjoy your holiday and please remember to buckle up.


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