When buying car insurance, you want to ensure that you get the best cover for your needs at the most affordable rate available. What factor has the biggest impact on your car insurance premium?
The answer is: You, the
Your age, where you live, the car you drive, your claims history (how safely you drive!) to name a few.
Car Insurance Coverage
Comprehensive car insurance provides cover against damage to your vehicle caused by an accident, fire, theft, hijacking, hail and liabilities to third parties.How To Save on Car Insurance
Shop Around
Compare insurance quotes from
at least 3 companies or get a broker to do it for you.
By increasing your excess
amount on the car, most insurance companies will give you a discount on your
premium. Be sure that you can afford to pay the excess when you have to claim
If possible, insure your car
for private purposes only. Business use of your vehicle will result in a higher
monthly premium. Most insurers will still give you a reduced premium if you
only need occasional business use.
If you're not involved in any
accidents, you'll be paying a reduced premium. After each claim-free year of
insurance, you might qualify for a discount at your current insurer. If not,
you could get a better premium at another insurer.
Buy a Low Risk
High performance vehicles are
usually seen as a higher risk by insurance companies (especially if you're under
25). The replacement cost of parts is also more expensive.
If you live in a high risk
suburb or in a city, you will pay a higher premium on your car insurance due to
the risk of your vehicle being stolen or hijacked.
A vehicle parked on the street
is at higher risk of being stolen than one parked in a locked garage. Some
insurance companies will give you a discount if your car is parked in a garage
or behind locked gates at night.
Install an anti-hijack device,
gearlock or tracking device in your car. If your level of secuirty is higher
than the requirement of the insurance company, you'll get a discount.
The less people will be
driving your car, the lower your premium will be. This way it is easier for the
insurance company to calculate their risk.
Most insurance companies are
flexible with their premiums. If you're not entirely satisfied with the quote,
ask for a discount. If they really want your business, they will accommodate
Source (Insurance ZA)